Structure of neuron download free
Structure of neuron download free

structure of neuron download free

Gray matter rich areas, such as the cerebellum and cerebral cortex, have important functions in the brain. The soma also houses essential structures that are common to all cells, such as: Synaptic input from neighboring neurons can feed onto the soma.

structure of neuron download free

Physically, it the point of the neuron from which other connections, such as axons and dendrites, spread.

structure of neuron download free

The neuronal soma, and the organelles and nucleus within, is the control center of the neuron. But the “gray” matter of the living brain, when circulation is still in effect, is actually tan in color. When analyzed postmortem, these cell somas appear gray. The soma also contains the cell’s cytoplasm, in which other essential organelles, such as mitochondria, can be found. This a spherical structure that houses the neuron’s nucleus. Gray matter consists primarily of neuronal cell bodies, or soma. The reverse is true in the spinal cord, which has a grey matter-lined interior with white matter on the outside.ĭifferences between gray and white matter What is gray matter? In the brain, white matter is found closer to the center of the brain, whereas the outer cortex is mainly grey matter. Gray matter is made up of neuronal cell bodies, while white matter primarily consists of myelinated axons. Available fields are: Gene name ( HGNC name or synonyms), Protein class, Chromosome, External identifier ( Ensembl gene, transcript or protein identifier, UniProt accession number, NCBI Entrez gene identifier), Subcellular location based on immunofluorescent staining in three different cell lines, Organ-, Tissue-, Cancer- and Cell line expression, Antibody validation results in four different assays ( IH=immunohistochemistry, IF=immunoflourescence, WB=Western blot, PA=Protein array), evidence scores and a filtration on Genes with antibodies only and Genes with knowledge-based annotated protein expression ( IH, IF).Quick summary: Gray matter vs white matter

structure of neuron download free

Specific fields can be searched by using the "Fields"-function. The free text query word needs to be at least three characters long. The free text search will scan for complete and partial matches to gene names, gene synonyms, gene descriptions, external ( UniProt, Ensembl, NCBI Entrez Gene) gene and protein identifiers, protein classes, Gene Ontology identifiers and descriptions, antibody identifiers and image annotations. The search function can be used for free text search (type anything in the search field), or for more complex queries using "Fields" (see examples).

Structure of neuron download free